Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November Devotion

"The British are coming! The British are coming!" cried Steve as he spurred his horse past his Uncle Gary and thundered through the pasture back toward the barn.
Uncle Gary soon caught up. "You must have learned about the Revolutionary War and how Paul Revere warned the colonists that enemy troops were coming," he said as they walked the horses the rest of the way.
Steve grinned and nodded. "I wish I could have lived back then," he said. "It must have been really exciting! Think about it! Riding at night to warn people about the danger, and always wondering if you'd get captured or not!"
Uncle Gary nodded slowly. "Exciting, maybe, but don't you think it sounds scary, too?" he asked. "How many of us would really have dared to do that?"
"I would!" boasted Steve as he dismounted and led his horse inside the barn to rub him down. "Somebody had to warn people or they might have been captured."
"Yes," murmured Uncle Gary thoughtfully, "but I sometimes fail in my job to warn people now, so I wonder if I'd have done any better back then."
Steve looked doubtful. "To warn people now?" he asked. "What do you have to warn people about?"
Rubbing down his horse as he talked, Uncle Gary explained. "God has given Christians the task of warning people that He's coming some day to judge the world," he said. "We need to tell them about God's provision of salvation through Jesus-and warn them that they'll spend eternity in hell if they don't accept Him as Savior."
"Oh!" Steve frowned. "Won't they think we're kind of weird?"
"Do you think Paul Revere worried about whether or not people would believe him or laugh at him?" asked Uncle Gary. Steve shook his head. "I don't think so, either," said Uncle Gary, "but we worry about such things, don't we? Our message is far more important than Paul Revere's, yet we often let the fear of being embarrassed keep us quiet. We need to show more courage and deliver God's warning." Steve didn't answer, but he was thoughtful as he worked.

HOW ABOUT YOU?How are you doing as a "Paul Revere" for the Lord? God told the prophet Ezekiel to warn the nation of Israel because of their wickedness. The Apostle Paul also warned others of God's coming judgment and their need to accept Jesus as Savior. If you're a Christian, this is your task as well. Do you have the courage to tell others how important it is for them to trust Jesus as Savior? Ask God to help you give out His warning and tell people how they can be saved.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE:Hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me. Ezekiel 3:17
Posted by Andrew

Operation Christmas Child

Our community service project was a success! We collected 20 shoe boxes for the Operation Christmas Child project!
Posted by Mrs. S

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Susan's Scare" by Rose Discher - Safety Chairman

In the Old Fashioned days when they had babies, the babies would take their baths in a wash basin. There was one woman who had a child named Susan. Susan sometimes took care of her baby sister.

One time she was giving the baby a bath and she ran out of their homeade soap, so went to get some more! While she was getting the soap, she saw one of her friends coming in the door! She forgot all about washing the baby and started talking to her friend!

While Susan was gone talking to her friend, the baby, who was sitting in the wash basin was playing with a little toy, slipped down and cried. Suddenly Susan remembered about the baby!

She came running in just in time to keep her baby sister from drowning!

If you ever give a baby a bath, always remember to stay with the baby the whole time!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Awards Banquet

Above is a picture of Matthew and Andrew Stevens at the 4-H Awards Banquet. They both received the Community Service Award and the Green and White Award. Andrew also was awarded top scoring Junior Record Book for his Horticulture Record Book. He received a $50 prize! Good job y'all! :)

Posted by Amanda

Friday, October 3, 2008

October Devotion Posted by Andrew Stevens

Devotion from Keys For Kids October 3rd, 2008

(CBH Ministries)

"TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. Matthew 7:12
Do you include kids who look different or are challenged in some way? God created every person, and He loves them all. We don't understand why He made some one way and some another, but all are created in His image. Each one is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and God says to treat all kids-all people-the way you would like to be treated. That's called the Golden Rule, and it's what God expects of His children. For more daily devotions visit http://www.cbhministries.org/

Health Report By Margaret Stricklen!

Get your Vitamin C!

With winter coming soon, we all need plenty of Vitamin C to keep us healthy. Vitamin C is called the "youth vitamin". It helps prevent infection by increasing and speeding up activity of white blood cells, and destroying all viruses and bacteria. A good source of Vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits. Other fruits and veggies high in Vitamin C are broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, papaya, mango, and kiwi. Because Vitamin C is not stored in your body, it should be eaten daily.

Signing out,

Deeda Stricklen

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Congratulations Florida Crackers! We have received the Silver Award from Polk County 4-H. This award was presented to us based on our 4-H projects, participation and community service for the 2007-2008 4-H year. Well done, I am very proud of all of you! Mrs. S

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome :)

Howdy fellow Crackers!
This is our new blog for our virtual 4-H club.
Please send y'all's project pics or just an update on your projects that you would like me to post to FloridaCrackers4H@Gmail.com
Thanks! :)
-Amanda/Club Historian