Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Susan's Scare" by Rose Discher - Safety Chairman

In the Old Fashioned days when they had babies, the babies would take their baths in a wash basin. There was one woman who had a child named Susan. Susan sometimes took care of her baby sister.

One time she was giving the baby a bath and she ran out of their homeade soap, so went to get some more! While she was getting the soap, she saw one of her friends coming in the door! She forgot all about washing the baby and started talking to her friend!

While Susan was gone talking to her friend, the baby, who was sitting in the wash basin was playing with a little toy, slipped down and cried. Suddenly Susan remembered about the baby!

She came running in just in time to keep her baby sister from drowning!

If you ever give a baby a bath, always remember to stay with the baby the whole time!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Awards Banquet

Above is a picture of Matthew and Andrew Stevens at the 4-H Awards Banquet. They both received the Community Service Award and the Green and White Award. Andrew also was awarded top scoring Junior Record Book for his Horticulture Record Book. He received a $50 prize! Good job y'all! :)

Posted by Amanda

Friday, October 3, 2008

October Devotion Posted by Andrew Stevens

Devotion from Keys For Kids October 3rd, 2008

(CBH Ministries)

"TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. Matthew 7:12
Do you include kids who look different or are challenged in some way? God created every person, and He loves them all. We don't understand why He made some one way and some another, but all are created in His image. Each one is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and God says to treat all kids-all people-the way you would like to be treated. That's called the Golden Rule, and it's what God expects of His children. For more daily devotions visit

Health Report By Margaret Stricklen!

Get your Vitamin C!

With winter coming soon, we all need plenty of Vitamin C to keep us healthy. Vitamin C is called the "youth vitamin". It helps prevent infection by increasing and speeding up activity of white blood cells, and destroying all viruses and bacteria. A good source of Vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits. Other fruits and veggies high in Vitamin C are broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, papaya, mango, and kiwi. Because Vitamin C is not stored in your body, it should be eaten daily.

Signing out,

Deeda Stricklen